Weekly Newsletter

  ROOM 11 NEWSLETTER:  December 17, 2010

Dear Room 11 Families,

We thank you for all the support you have given us this fall as we began our adventure in learning as a family in Room 11.  We all have weathered many changes this fall - new classmates, increased class sizes, a change in the Roosevelt schedule, new curriculum.  We are certainly all learning together, aren't we?

When we return, we will delve into subtraction with regrouping.  Most in class are working at mastering their addition and subtraction facts.  This is so important as we begin to understand how to "borrow" in subtraction. Thanks for your help at home.

Our next field trip will take us to the Oakland Museum of Children's Art (MOCHA.) We will need several drivers on Wednesday, February 2nd from about 9:00 to noon.  We will return to school intime for lunch.  Drivers will need to be able to stay with us as helpers.  A letter and permission slip will go home the first week of January.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday filled with family time.  Thanks again for all your supporet.  You are great parents of wonderful children.

  Jeni and Keri 

jeniengler@sbcglobal.net        raykeri@juno.com